tisdag 28 september 2010


De bara fortsätter att drälla in! Värvningstävlingen är inte över än - det är långt till den 20e november... Berg håller hårt i ledningen men borde nog sätta lite fart om inte undertecknad ska gå om och håva in priset!

söndag 26 september 2010

Girls only

I hurt everywhere. Whether it is from the splendid game we played or from falling over at Uppsalas worst meat market dancefloor remains to be said. We lost some girls early in the night when they decided to "rest a little" before the party, a nap they didn't wake up from until it was too late. Rookie mistake. It was a girls only pre party where we unsurprisingly enough gossiped about the mens team and everyone else who was not present. We decided to crash the guys party a little before midnight and joined them in a walk downtown towards BJ's - there was drinks to be bought and mistakes to be made! When you can no longer hold your drink (and I mean hold the glass in your hand!) and the last bus is about to leave it's time to get your coat. Only luck made me wake up in time for my stop instead of at the end of bus line 7.

lördag 25 september 2010


Our focus on thursday training was somewhat questioned by a grumpy assistant coach, when we pulled the cover off the scrum machine to find a shivering hedgehog hiding underneath. Suddenly our bloodthirst was swapped for aaaw-ing noises and plans to save his ass from front row feet.

Today though, there's no hegdehog in sight. Thank God.

tisdag 21 september 2010

Rosa nagellack

Skruvdobb, glidningar, rugby league, ruck för kung och fosterland. Behöver lite manikyr efter kvällens träning...notera att det regnat hela dagen.

måndag 20 september 2010

Lugi fun bus

Helgen bjöd på en spektakulär bussresa till Sveriges blåsigaste och mest främlingsfientliga landskap - Skåne. Resan dit var sansad och de flesta sov när vi passerat Göteborg vid midnatt. Efter matchen på lördagen däremot...

(Matchen i sig behöver inte recenseras ytterligare, kan bara nämna att det är lätt surrealistiskt att få skäll för att man spelar skitdåligt när man leder med 30-0 i halvtid).

Vi lämnade Lund klockan 16 och tre timmars tjejfest urartade snarast - Hitlermustascher, rövtungor och nakna skinkor bejublades samt dokumenterades med bildbevis. Två passande sånger övades in inför vår ankomst till Göteborg, allt för att välkomna herrlaget på bästa sätt. Vår försökskanin Mr. Dinwoodie may be a joy to his mother, men han var fan inte nån glädjespridare under allsången =) Kanske vi ska sjunga snällare sånger nästa gång..?

Krig urartade snarast om de bästa platserna kring partybordet längst bak, och inga tricks var för fula för att testas. Fylletoppen nåddes i Götenetrakten där majoriteten av en köttbullemacka hamnade på golvet och herrtoaletten fick celebert besök av en blondin med sliriga ögon... Närmare Västerås var festen lite avslagen och många sov men låtsades vara vakna. Det är ingen skam att däcka efter en match och åtta timmars festande! Faktiskt.

söndag 12 september 2010

Uppsala v Trojans

A good effort with a disastrous result - that's the short story about this weekend's game against Trojans. Uppsala didn't play badly, but the players in red kept running through tackles and slipped through our back line time after time. Despite a couple of impressive forward tries and rewarding penalty kicking from our number ten, we couldn't hold the initial lead and there was plenty of sad faces on the pitch when the final whistle blew. This means having to qualify for a place in division 1 for next season - I hope the guys are up for a mental challenge.

The silver lining this saturday was all the priceless quotes from players on and off the pitch:

No.1 Use your brain, Magnus! No comment needed.

No.2 I got your number, bitch! Would that be his phone number, his house number or maybe his shorts size?

No.3 Run like a gazelle, Erik! A bit more speed wouldn't hurt =)

No.4 Erik, where the hell are you going!? Doing the pinball move confuses your support as well...

No.5 Ruben, go out there and kill someone! Didn't happen. Luckily.

This week's Twat Award goes to someone who, after fighting and playing together with his friends for 80 minutes, doesn't hesitate to show ridiculous unsportsmanlike attitude and call his own team useless fucking cunts. Now who's the cunt here?
The party at the club afterwards was an equally good effort, where more than one person had more than one too many (in Blondies case, that "one" too many was a yard of lager). Ridå.

fredag 10 september 2010

Pride, self-respect and ranking

Watching some welsh rugby, thinking about tomorrow's game against Trojans... Our men need to win. Not just for pride and self-respect...also for next years ranking. Us ladies will cheer them on during the day and celebrate with them later on... Match report will follow.

As the season creeps towards the end something big and important keeps getting closer: the annual club party! I can reveal nothing about the theme or entertainment, but know this - it's the best party of the year, every year! Can't wait!