söndag 12 december 2010

Merry Rugby Christmas

As I tuck in to my second pizza of the day and watch rubbish sitcoms in preparation for monday morning, I can't help being truly impressed by Irish who went into work this morning to split some cells (!) before our hungover hangout. Yesterdays christmas party wasn't well attended, but the few of us there really gave it our best shot (and shot would be the key word here). When the Greed game was over and Pär the pink christmas goat had found a new home (enjoy the Emerald isle, Pär!) there wasn't much else to do than to trick fellow drinkers into downing vile shots of whatever the Bartender and his accomplice could dig out from the dusty shelves behind the counter. When we'd all been carried outside by the grumpy staff and got the door slammed in our faces (pure luck we left with coats and bags, I tell you!) we made it downtown one way or another. We couldn't really agree on where to go next, but after a 30 minute loo visit Max burgers finally proved the strongest alternative. For the record, a burger has never been more delicious... Let's all remember until next year: Absinth is a one way ticket to Hangover Hell, first stop Vomit city...

The official Uppsala Ladies song (melody Heja Bamse):

URFC, laget som vi gillar

våra damer klär i babyblått

Festar, tränar hårt med våra killar

svett och blod det tycker vi är hot

Ruckar, maular, tacklar, slåss - ni kan inte stoppa oss

Fyrisfjädern är vårt hem, vi slåss för liv och lem

Vi är Upplands glödheta valkyrior

och vi viker inte oss en tum


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