What could be better than to spend one of your christmas holidays carrying someone elses heavy stuff in and out of a truck? Constantly reminded by the mirror about the phenomenon christmas weight, a few of us were desperate enough to agree working extra for our beloved rugby club. Even though one of us snoozed a bit too much, we started early and worked hard - cheered on by today's Big Afro Daddy. The poor truckdriver was frequently reminded by a traffic warden that we ought to move asap, maybe that's why he over-consumed nicotine all day? (Seriously, if you manage to smoke a whole packet before lunch, do you really have to use snus in between your cigarettes?)
We were treated to lunch between truck load one and two, and there was also lots of chocolate at the new place where we unloaded the furniture, which made us temporarily forget today's fitness target. But I guess even if our weight stayed the same maybe we got a wee bit stronger? One can hope... Aside from the stiff competition for riding shotgun whenever we moved, there was also the ongoing argument between Sleepyhead and myself who was gonna be Batman and who'd have to be Robin. Eventually a rule became established, whoever screwed up most recently was Robin until something else happened.
As we left after a hard day's work I discovered that the Bartender didn't appreciate drawings on his car window...especially not ones of Pacman and a hefty cock... But that's a classic!?