onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Piggy back

Last nights session started with an interesting warm up-routine, including walking touch, piggy back rides and some waltzing as a punishment for being slow... (Some guys lost the game so often they seemed to do it on purpose to get to show off their dancefloor skills.) We did some ball handling and some rucking, all good fun until I sprained my ankle and was left as a spectator. The amount of concern was touching, and ranged from offers to wear their warm clothes, clever tips (tape, elevate, ice! Where would I get ice?) and a doe-eyed man willing to take the blame for my injury despite the fact he's twiglike and couldn't hurt me if he tried...

Sadly, only a few was sporting a full german moustache in preparation for Saturdays Oktoberfest... You still have time, guys!

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